Asking a better question

It doesn’t get better said than in this conversation between John O’Donohue and his friend John Quinn in their book, Walking in Wonder. 

“One of the most exciting and energetic forms of thought is the question. I always think that the question is like a lantern. It illuminates new landscapes and new areas as it moves. Therefore, the question always assumes that there are many different dimensions to a thought that you are either blind to or that are not available to you. So a question is really one of the forms in which wonder expresses itself. One of the reasons that we wonder is because we are limited, and that limitation is one of the great gateways of wonder. Martin Heidegger said that when you can conceive of a frontier you are already beyond it, because a frontier—while it may be the limitation of where you now are or what you now feel or think—is also the threshold of what you are actually going to move into.”