
I’ve often been asked to share my meditation resources. I’d recommend not relying on an app to help you first learn how to meditate. I’ve downloaded and tried most of them and have found for a beginner a weekend retreat or an intro class is best. These are places here in and around New York. – Tibet House, NY – Shantideva Meditation Center, NY – Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA. – New York Insight Medication Center – Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY – Zen Mountain Monastery, MT Tremper, NY – Zen Center of NYC – Zen Center Village Zendo – Blue Cliff Monastery, Pine Bush, NY – Menla Mountain Retreat, Phoenicia, NY – Dhamma Dhara Vipassana Meditation Center, Shelburne, MA

You can go for a weekend retreat or you can go really deep really fast at Dhamma Dhara in Shelburne, MA. It’s a ten day silent retreat. Silent. Like no talking. For ten days.

Some good apps to start with;
Stop, breathe, think
10% Happier

And a bunch more here on HuffPo. Download a few and find the one you like. I use Insight Timer. They’ve got tons of guided meditations when I do need them.

When I do use a guided meditation or do look for a dharma talk I go to Audio Dharma. I’m a big fan of Gil Fronsdal. I discovered him years ago. He’s like the Woody Allen of dharma teachers. With a gentle sense of humor he has a wonderful way of making things simple. He has a bunch of “intro to meditation” classes that you can download and listen to. All free. As they should be.

I also recommend Tara Brach – she’s a powerhouse and is always very popular.

I’ve just recently discovered Shinzen Young who is an excellent teacher. He has this – He also does this – He’s claimed to have found a style of practice that will work more quickly than most.

I also would highly recommend Dr. Kristin Neff. She strips it down.

There is also Sharon Salzburg,  Joseph GoldsteinPema Chodron and a whole bunch of others.

And great podcasts from;

The Secular Buddhist

Secular Buddhism

Buddhist Geeks

Thich Nhat Han

Everyday Buddhism

Village Zendo